National Career Guidance Methodology Conference

National Career Guidance Methodology Conference

National Career Guidance Methodology Conference was held in Eger Eger, 1st February 2023  A National Career Guidance Methodology Conference was organised in Eger by the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University EKKE, the National Education Office, the Career Guidance...
Conference of Career Development Tools for South Africa

Conference of Career Development Tools for South Africa

Under the South African-European Union (SA-EU) Dialogue Facility Programme a national conference was hosted in Pretoria. The conference was addressing the draft guidelines for Career Development Tools for South Africa. Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze, Associate Professor of...
Geophysical conference

Geophysical conference

Geophysical conference presentation by our Head of the Department of Environmental Security Dr. Zsuzsanna Plank, Head of the WJLF Department of Environmental Security, will be a participant in the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) annual...
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