Admission process

- Send your application following the instructions
- Deadline: 30 June 2021
- In case of missing or insufficient application documentation you will be asked for amendment by e-mail.
- Information on acceptance or refusal of application.
- In case of acceptance detailed information on the oral admission process.
- In case of refusal a detailed justification will be delivered.
- Deadline: 15 July 2021
Oral admission interview (only for applicants to Environmental Science BSc programme)
- Method: skype-interview with the presence of the applicant and Wesley’s Admission Committee.
- Language of interview: English
- Duration: 30-45 minutes
- Topics: introduction of applicant, fields of interests of applicant, plans, motivations on studying environmental sciences, studying abroad, living in Hungary.
- Date and time of interview: to be specified in the e-mail on application feedback
- Period for admission interviews: 15-30 July 2021
Admission decision
Deadline for notification on admission decision: 10 Aug 2021