*Programmes taught in Hungarian are available for international students. In order to study in Hungarian, preparatory programme (two semesters) must be completed. By completing the non-degree programme, students gain relevant skills to be able to start bachelor studies at our College or in any Hungarian institute of higher education.
Pedagogy BA
The programme’s objective is training experts who contribute efficiently the operation of public education system and educational services.
6 semesters
Tuition fee
EUR 2000-2500
Study Language
Next course starts
to be announced
Application deadline
Application is open
Environmental Studies BSc
The programme aims to train professionals who can overview understand and manage environmental problems, risks and hazards.

6 semesters
Tutition fee
EUR 2500/semester
Study Language
Next course starts
September 2025.
Application is open
Social Work BA
The program will equip students with the required professional skills to work in a range of organisational settings, and will prepare them for the challenges and demands of working with people in a range of social work roles.

7 semesters
Tutition fee
EUR 2000-2500
Study Language
Next course starts
to be announced
Application is open