04 May 2022, Budapest


Senate of the John Wesley Theological College, in its May Ordinary Session, stands for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and expresses its great concern of the war, which has been raging for a quarter of a year and resulting in thousands of dead, about five million refugees and ruined looted countries. The choice of Putin’s imperial dreams and the choice of inhumane violence is responsible for the situation.

The Ukrainian people have the right to fight for their freedom and independence. The current Hungarian leadership also shares the moral and financial responsibility with the Putin system – for our pain.

We are also concerned about the Russian Democrats, who are also filled with pain and sadness in the current situation. We are convinced that issues between the two countries can only be discussed through negotiations. In the shadow of tanks, bombers, and other modern killer tactics, the “solutions” accomplished with the demonstration of strength cannot last.

Dr Gábor Iványi, rector
in the name of John Wesley Theological College’s Senate

Our church, that manages the College, supports the declaration and prays that the Lord of History will provide justice and heal the wounds of war.

László Iklódy, pastor
vice president of the Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship

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